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Tour of the Heart Institute’s new Cardiac Care Tower

The Heart Institute opened their doors on November 9th to Senator Yvonne Boyer, Senator Marie-Françoise Mégie, Senator Mary Jane McCallum, and Senator Colin Deacon, to showcase their new Cardiac Care Tower.

The Heart Institute opened their doors on November 9th to Senator Yvonne Boyer, Senator Marie-Françoise Mégie, Senator Mary Jane McCallum, and Senator Colin Deacon, to showcase their new Cardiac Care Tower. Construction for the tower began in 2014 and completed in April of this year. The expansion doubled the size of the current Heart Institute, adding 145,895 square feet of new space. The tower includes five state-of-the-art operating rooms, nine catheterization and electrophysiology labs and an additional surgical critical unit for 27 beds. Also in the photo Dr. Thierry Mesana, President & CEO University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Jim Orban President & CEO University of Ottawa Heart Institute Foundation.

Tour of the Heart Institute’s new Cardiac Care Tower


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